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Profil Airlangga Hartarto Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian

Place, Date of Birth ​: Surabaya, 1 October 1962
Religion​​: Islam
Address​​: Jl. Tirtayasa Raya No. 32, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta 12160
Office​​​: Jalan Lapangan Banteng Timur Nomor 2-4, Jakarta Pusat, 10710 Telp : (021) 352 1835 Fax : (021) 351 1643


• Ir, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering University of Gadjah Mada (UGM),
Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering UGM (1987)
• IPU (Insinyur Profesional Utama/ Chartered Professional Engineer)
Professional Certification of Indonesian Engineers Association 2015
• AMP Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia – USA (1993)
• MMT, Master of Management Technology, The University of Melbourne – Australia (1996)
• MBA, Master of Business Administration , Monash University, Melbourne – Australia (1997)


• Koordinating Minister of Economic Republic of Indonesia (2019 – now)
• Minister of Industry Republic of Indonesia (2016 – 2019)
• Member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives (2014 – 2016)
Finance, Banking, Non-Bank Financial Institutions,
National Development Planning
• Chairman of Commission VI of the House of Representatives (2009 – 2014)
Industry, Trade, Investment, Cooperation / SME, Business Competition,
Batam Authority, Aceh Authority.
• Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (2006– 2009)
​Energy, Mining, Environment, Research and Technology.


• Founder / President Commissioner, PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk
Packaging paper industry with capacity of 1.5 million tons / per year in Cibitung /
West Java (Since 1990 – 2016)
• Founder / President Commissioner, PT Ciptadana Capital
Companies engaged in the Capital Market; Securities, Investment Bank, Multi
Finance and Asset Management, Pioneer of Real Estate Investment Trust Fund
(Since 1999 – 2016).


• Chairman of Golkar Party (2017-now)
• President of Indonesia Wushu Federation (2017 – now)
• Coordinator of Economic Affairs, Golkar Party (2016 – 2017)
​• Cooperative SMEs (2011 – 2014)
• Trading Industry (2014 – 2016)
• Chairman of the Board of Engineers, The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII),
(2009 – 2012, 2012 – 2015).
• President of The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII), (2006 – 2009).
• Secretary General of Asean Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO) (2005)
• Chairman, Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI)
Associations of companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(2005 – 2008, 2008 – 2011, 2011 – 2014)
• Members of KAGAMA Advisory Board (2009 – 2014).
• Member of Board of Trustees (MWA) –University of Gajah Mada
(2002 – 2007, 2007-2012).
• Vice Chairman of the Gajah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA) (2005 – 2009).


• Doctor Honoris Causa in the field of Development Policy from The Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy, South Korea (2019)
• Distinguished Honorary Fellow of The ASEAN Engineering Federation Organization 2017
• 56th Lee Kuan Yew Exchange Fellow (2017)
• Presidential Award – Satya Lencana Wirakarya (2014)
• Entrepreneurship Award of University of Gadjah Mada (2012)
• Australian Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship (2009)
Appreciation for the pioneering role in the development of business climate and leadership in civic organizations
• Founding Fellow of Asean Academy of Engineering Technology (2004)
• Finalist of Ernst & Young Entrepreneurship of The Year (2001)


• “Merajut Asa: Membangun Industri, Menuju Indonesia yang Sejahtera dan Berkelanjutan“ / Building Industry, Towards a Prosperous and Sustainable Indonesia
Publisher: Grasindo (2016)
• “Membangun Kemandirian, Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Ketahanan Energi Nasional “ /
Building Self-Reliance, Realizing National Energy Security Sustainability
Publisher RM Books (2014)
• “Strategi Clustering dalam Industrialisasi Indoneisa “ / Clustering Strategy in Industrialization of Indonesia, Publisher Andi Offset (2004)

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